We are especially happy to invite you to another Kriya Yoga Sadhana Retreat from April 12- April 21, 2025 at the beautiful seminar house Offener Geist in Tschlin, a mountain village in the “Swiss Himalayas”.
The aim of this intensive retreat, besides immersing ourselves in long and deep meditations, will be to deepen our understanding and practice of the various SRF meditation techniques, especially Kriya Yoga.
In this retreat we will focus on each aspect of our Kriya Yoga Sadhana individually: We will dedicate one day each for EE’s as well as the correct meditation posture, Hong Sau and the Aum technique. We will then dedicate several days to the understanding and deepening of the Kriya technique. We will conclude with a day dedicated to devotion to our Guru who has given us this precious sadhana. So as you can see, the whole retreat week will be structured like one big, long meditation 🙂
Surrounded by mountains, forests and rivers, the retreat location also invites you to take beautiful walks in nature.

Here, you can find the draft program to get an idea of the retreat. To deepen the techniques, we will study the SRF teachings, practise the individual techniques ourselves and listen to audio classes by SRF monks who will be lecturing on  the science of Kriya Yoga. The retreat will be spent in silence except for the last day. Due to the content of the program, only SRF Kriyabans can participate in this retreat. The number of participants is limited to 12-15. The cost for 9 nights including meals (which we will prepare ourselves) is 565 Euro or approx. 530 CHF (for Swiss).

Please register by February 23, 2025, using the following  registration link. Please note, registration is mandatory to secure your spot in the retreat!

In case of any questions about the retreat, or need some information to plan in advance, please contact the organiser Marco Scura directly at m.scura@gmx.ch

At this Y.O.G.A. retreat there is again the possibility to get a reduction of the retreat fee if it is financially necessary. Please do not hesitate to ask the board (treasurer@youthofgoldenage.de) about this 🙂
We look forward to many more encounters with you in this new year 2025.

In Divine Friendship,

Your Youth of Golden Age