Youth of Golden Age NPO was established in 2005 as the legal successor of the informal international fellowship Youth of Golden Age, which had existed since 1994.
Already in 1993, during the annual Convocation of the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, California some young SRF members had the vision of a fellowship between young (and young at heart) members. The inspiration was felt to get together during the weekends or holidays, to meditate, to visit the cinemas and to go hiking. In the following months, a plan for the first weekend retreat came to be, a retreat which would take place 1994 in Germany. After months of communication and planning the retreat was an immense success. These were the first steps of Youth of Golden Age.
That we are the “Youth of the Golden Age,” may sound a bit arrogant, but it´s rather supposed to inspire to self-reflection and to increase our own incentives. The Golden Age, which corresponds to the Sattva Yuga, is the age in which the general consciousness has become very high and many souls have found liberation.